Spiritual Formation
... until Christ is formed in you. Galatians 4:19
Small Groups & Classes
Are you part of one of GCC's Small Groups?
Small Groups are a great blessing, providing opportunities for
Deeper Fellowship as we share in each others lives through care and prayer
Deeper Knowledge of the Word, learning God is speaking into our lives
Deeper Knowledge of God, increasing our love and service for him, and for others.
Visit Back For Updated Information About Our Small Groups

Church Library
Our library offers a growing wealth of resources, for all ages (children and adults) that can help us grow in the grace and knowledge of God. The library is located downstairs, alongside our Fellowship Space. We encourage you to frequently visit, borrow and read from our library collection.

Our GCC Librarian Renate, with some of our book collection
Group Encouraging Memorization Of Scripture (GEMS)
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Colossians 3:16
Join us as we encourage each other to memorize Scripture and grow in the Word. We also pray for each other!
We meet each Monday, 4PM on Zoom.
Current verse we are memorizing and Zoom link HERE