Sunday Services
Welcome To GCC!
We welcome you to join us for our worship service, either in-person or online.
Our Sunday morning's typically look like the following:
9am. Prayer Power
10am. Worship Service
(with Children's Sunday School)11:15am. Fellowship & Refreshments
(please join us at the Community Center next door to the church)

What To Expect. It is never easy to visit a new church for the first time so we want to be as helpful as we can to make your experience a good one. You may be anxious to know about dress. Some people come casually dressed in shirts and jeans, and others come dressed slightly more formal. We are a diverse lot, so please dress the way that makes you feel most comfortable.
Worship. This time is set aside for communicating with God with our hearts and minds. Everyone worships in their own unique way. For some, this may mean clapping or raising of hands, for others it may mean quietly reflecting on the words. You are welcome to do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Our services are generally blended in music style, with both contemporary and traditional songs. Following a time of praise, we then hear God's Word, which includes a message that seeks to apply God's Word to our lives.
Offering. As a guest, please do not feel any pressure to give. This is an act of worship for our regular attenders, allowing them to thank God for all of the great work he is doing in their lives. It also provides Gardiner Community Church with the means to show God’s love in tangible ways to others in our community and in the world. If you do wish to contribute however, any tithes and offerings can be deposited in the Offerings Box in the church foyer, or online here. We do not take an offering during the service.
Communion. We celebrate Communion together on the first Sunday of every month. We invite anyone who has made the decision to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior, to participate in Communion with us. Communion is all about Jesus and his work! As we partake in the Communion elements (bread and grape-juice), we are thankful for, and mindful of, Christ's work at the cross, his saving and grace-filled works in the present, and his coming again in the future. Marantha!
As a Guest. We are a friendly bunch and we hope that you will feel as welcome as possible with us. Please fill in the form below, or the blue card in the seat in front of you at GCC. You can place this card in the offering box in the foyer. Thank you! We would love to get to know you better, as well as pray for you, or serve you in other ways.
Fellowship Lunch. We would love for you to join us for lunch following the service. Please don't worry about bringing any food (unless you'd like to), as we have different folks scheduled to bring food each week and will have plenty for you as well :) We meet in the Gardiner Community Center across the parking lot from our church.
Easter Service 2024